Organisational Effectiveness
- Curve Group engaged with a well-regarded government business enterprise to use a highly collaborative approach in developing a strategic plan for the next 5 years with a focus on critical capabilities.
- The aim was to also upskill internal senior HR to be able to carry out this process in the future.
What We Did:
- Keeping in mind productivity, availability, sustainability and capability, we consulted with leadership team and partners from risk and changes over a series of workshops to define current business issues, critical roles and capabilities, and demand and supply issues to uncover the most effective approach for the highest priority issues.
- Curve Group developed a highly detailed report highlighting business challenges, critical roles, a strategic workforce plan: issues and themes as well as action plan templates for each unit area manager to develop a plan leveraging the data and thinking produced over the course of the project.
- This report contained recommendations for each sector and prioritised them over the next 5 years and was determined a dynamic report they would continue to build upon and edit.
- The senior HR leaders were provided with the opportunity to lead these projects in the future with Curve Group acting as a support when needed.