Get Change Fit anywhere, anytime
Get Change Fit incorporates a series of face-to-face workshops plus ongoing access to an online Change Gym, a responsive learning portal offering extension activities and self-reflection exercises, discussion forums and a curated collection of relevant articles, blogs, video, podcasts, infographics and more.
The result? A true learning eco-system that grows with learner input and content suggestions, valuable for any employee currently experiencing change or likely to in the future. Which, let’s face it, is just about everyone!
“The only constant is change” - Heraclitus
With many traditional learning approaches struggling to prevent change fatigue, we have developed Get Change Fit – a cutting edge blended learning solution combining face-to-face, online and mobile learning.
Get Change Fit draws on the latest thinking in positive organisational behaviour and psychology to enable employees to thrive (not merely survive) during periods of change.
Face-to-Face Change Fitness WorkshopsMultiple formats available depending on needs (e.g. 4 x 2hrs, 2 x 4hrs, 1 day)
Improving Balance by understanding both the dark side and upside of change.
- Use perspective-taking techniques to balance the dark side and upside of change
- Identify different reactions to change (positive and negative)
- Employ practical strategies to embrace rather than resist change
Increasing Strength by leveraging personal assets, resources and initiative to manage change.
- Identify what you can influence during change
- Take ownership and responsibility for how you respond
- Identify and leverage personal assets and resources to successfully manage change
Promoting Flexibility and the ability to remain agile despite ambiguity and complexity.
- Understand the important role of learning during times of change
- Reinterpret failure through a growth mindset
- Utilise pathway planning to overcome obstacles and achieve goals
Building Endurance and resilience to safeguard wellbeing and performance during change.
- Explore the relationship between performance and pressure
- Appreciate different coping styles and when to use them
- Draw on key sources of wellbeing to promote resilience
Online ChangeGYMAvailable pre, during and post workshops (or as a standalone learning solution)
Extension Activities
Additional learning activities and self-reflection exercises to build on and reinforce key takeaways from the face-to-face workshops.
Content Hub
A curated collection of articles, blogs, infographics, podcasts and videos relevant to each element of change fitness, including the opportunity to upload and share organisation- specific content.
Virtual forums based on a variety of thought-provoking and relevant topics to prompt pre and post workshop reflection and peer discussion.
Change Fitness Coach
Additional resources & extension activities specifically for people leaders who need to navigate change on a personal level but also lead and support others through it.
Contact Us
If you’d like to learn more about our Services, please get in touch: